Category Archives: Lego

Lego Series 16 71013 First Minifigure Confirmed on Eurobricks to be Snow Queen or Ice Queen

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Here is the latest on Series 16 here.

Brickfinder just posted a clean image here of the full package.

EDIT:  I think that the one Brickfinder posted must be the original?  See bottom of the post.  I also received a message about this post on Facebook as well. here

Item:  6137058

UPC: 6 7341924955 3

I just found this over on DigiBee and it looks legit, but I am not certain.  It is still pretty early.

See first packet image here.

Series 16 Minifigurure Packet 71013

full updated list on this page.


EDIT:  It appears that I have misread this and that this figure is really for Series 16 this fall.  Set number 71013.  I am also not sure if this is Disney or just the standard Series 16.  (Most Likely this is just standard Series 16) If it is the standard series 16, it is most likely not Disney.  I knew something seemed odd when they started a second thread for the Disney Collectible Minifigure Series on Eurobricks.  I should have realized that this was a different series right away.

EDIT #2:  It appears that the second figure will be some sort of IMP per CM4sCi  – see here.

We have already heard that the first confirmed minifigures for Disney Series  will be Captain Hook and now 8BrickMario over on Eurobricks has stated that the first confirmed minifigure for series 16  Collectible minifigures 71013 will be Snow (or Ice) Queen.  As soon as he said this here,  Itaria No Shintaku confirmed that he also knows that it will be the Snow (Ice) Queen.  I had to look up who the Snow Queen is, but Frozen is loosely based off of the Snow Queen story, so it makes sense.  You can see more details here, but here is a brief quote.

The Snow Queen” (Danish: Snedronningen) is an original fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875). The tale was first published 21 December 1844 in New Fairy Tales. First Volume. Second Collection. 1845. (Danish: Nye Eventyr. Første Bind. Anden Samling. 1845.)[1] The story centers on the struggle between good and evil as experienced by Gerda and her friend, Kai.

I also heard that she will use a blue dress pieces similiar to the one that is used by the queen on Series 15.  My pixelated images is based off of the concept drawing on this page and is just to give an idea of what she looks like.  Not the lego figure.

lego minifigure series 16 71013 snow_queen

The story is one of Andersen’s longest and most highly acclaimed stories. It is regularly included in selected tales and collections of his work and is frequently reprinted in illustrated storybook editions for children.”

So, now we have three.

  • Captain Hook in the upcoming Disney Series 71012
  • Snow Queen in Series 16 Collectible Minifigures 71013
  • Imp in Series 16 Collectible Minifigures 71013

The post on Eurobricks also points out an interesting article here about Alexdre Boudon and how his designs have been used on quite a few Lego Minifigure designs.  If you look at his drawings here, you can see quite a few nice designs that have been used already.

These pictures are posted on the blog of Alexandre Boudon here.  These all appear to be his designs and I see quite a few that Lego has used over the years.  Most recently in series 15, I see quite a few similarities to the queen below.

I also found this image here as well.  Eurobricks just posted this.

and here.

and here.  I do not know where this one originates.  Does anyone know?

Thanks for looking

Here are some other images here.

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Wow, I think we just found the Star Wars minifigure display world Champion – Best Display Case Ever

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EDIT: I posted this case a few months ago and I came back to look at it again today.  This case is really nice and I keep thinking that it would make a nice edition.

I am not sure words can describe how much I now need to find this case and purchase one.  I will add more after I look around at this a little more tomorrow.  This is almost the perfect display to hold the full collection of Star Wars minifigures and keep them dust free at the same time.

Here are a few teaser images.  You can see all of this over on imgur here.  You can read the comments over on reddit here.  I also found the cabinet that he used for this display as well here.

I im’d the person that built this and this is the case he said he used.  Here is the link to it on Amazon.  I think it may be available on other places as well.

Lighted Display Case for Lego Minifigures Amazon2


here is the full album on imgur.

You can check out some other really nice display cases here.  I have 4 or 5 other ones that caught my attention.

Here is an insane display on eBay that is pretty huge.  If you are looking to start off your collection.  Maybe????  It may be a little too much though.  🙂

Lego Star Wars Complete (I think) minifigure collection 879 figures (44)


I think that this is the same case on Ebay here.  They have a few other options as well on eBay that look similiar.


Lego Star Wars Display Case Small

Thanks for looking

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Lego Angry Birds Official Catalog Image posted on Russian Lego Site

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EDIT:  This photo originate from the Russian Lego catalog posted here.  Michael from Promobricks pointed me to the catalog site.

You can see it here.

Here is a copy of the pdf version if you would like, or you can download it.


I saw this over on Eurobricks here.  It appears to originate from this russian site.

EDIT:  I have been corrected.  Apparently that site is a photo hosting site and this user on Eurobricks posted it.  DiMaks13  Thanks for setting me straight!


Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures

Here are all of the minifigures from these sets.

Lego 2016 Angry Birds Minifigures Details

Here are some of the prior minifigures that we saw here and here a few weeks ago.Lego Angry Birds 2016 Minifigures Lego Angry Birds Minifigures 2016 Lego Angry Birds 2016 Minifigures more


Here are the two catalog pages up close.

Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures Page 1


Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures Page 2

Here are the sets with a little more detail.  Additionally, Brickset did a rough translation of the sets on their site this afternoon.  They are also stating an April release date.

75821 Escape from the Pigs Car
75822 Pigs Aerial Attack
75823 Egg Theft from Bird Island
75824 The Destruction of Pig City
75825 The Pigs Pirate Ship
75826 The Pigs Castle

Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures 75826 Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures 75821 Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures 75822 Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures 75823 Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures 75824 Lego Angry Birds Catalog Images with Minifigures 75825

TheBrickShow did a quick run by review of the sets here.

Found one more image that I had not seen over on the Brickset Forum here.

Thanks for looking

What do you think?

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Lego for Minifigure Series 15 Bios are online 71011 now

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Series 15 is here!

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure All 16

The all new Series 15 of Minifigures are live in LEGO Minifigures Online game which you can play here.  It appears that they added the Series 15 figures to the game this week.  You can join the game here.  I have included the descriptions from the game site below.

Get your hands on the brand new Minifigures in the Lost Creations, the in-game Item Shop or in physical Minifigure bags sold in shops all over the world.

Shark Suit Guy


Yikes! Was that a fin?!
The Shark Suit Guy watched a scary shark movie once, and he’s been afraid of them ever since. For a long time, he didn’t dare go into the water at the beach, and he even avoided swimming pools and bathtubs just in case. He was worried that he might run into sharks everywhere he went — sharks on the left, sharks on the right, mutant sharks, laser sharks, cyborg sharks, sharks on land, sea and air. But then he started to learn more about sharks and how important they are for the ocean’s ecology, and he found out that they’re not so scary after all. In fact, they’re pretty cool! To celebrate his newfound appreciation for his finny friends, he’s decided to dress up like a shark himself. Now the Shark Suit Guy may still get a little jumpy whenever he passes a mirror, but at least he knows that if he runs into a real shark, it’ll think he’s a pal!

In-game: Beware of the shark! The Shark Suit Guy is a mighty Defender and can attack foes with his Fin Slash attacks. He can also Submerge with only the shark fin being visible above ground and then spring up with a mighty attack from below!

Clumsy Guy

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure clumsy-guy

The poor Clumsy Guy must have the worst luck of any Minifigure. No matter how safe and careful he tries to be, something always goes disastrously wrong. If there’s a banana peel around, he’ll slip on it every time. If someone has left a skateboard near the stairs, he’ll be in for a bumpy ride straight to the X-ray machine. Even when he’s standing in the middle of a crowd, he’s the only one who’s likely to get bonked on the head by a plummeting ice meteorite. Fortunately for the hapless Clumsy Guy, LEGO® City has some of the best doctors and medical care around. Whatever bumps, bruises, scratches and dents he may receive during his misadventures, they’re ready to fix him up with casts, bandages, crutches and anything else that he may need to get him back on his feet and on the mend…right up until his next accident, anyway!

In game: The Clumsy Guy may look like an unfortunate simpleton, but in combat he is a whirlwind of devastation! He uses an advanced Crutch-Fu technique to fight with his crutches and he can even shower the area around him with slippery banana peels!

Animal Control

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure animal control

Oh no, not old Stinky again!
When there’s a bat in your belfry, a rattlesnake in your rafters, or an elephant in your swimming pool, you call the Animal Control specialist. She knows all the best tricks for luring unwanted critter visitors out of their hiding places, capturing them humanely, and then transporting them out into the wild to be safely released.There’s one particular skunk, though, that’s been giving her a lot of trouble. No matter how many times she removes him, he always seems to find his way right back to the Animal Control office. She’s starting to think he might like her. It’s almost sweet, but he’s a wild animal, and so whenever he makes his fragrant appearance, it’s into the net and back to the woods he goes!

In-game: When dealing with scary monsters, Animal Control is great to have on your team. She can fend them off with her net and deploy a nasty bio-weapon. She sends her skunk called Stinky after them and it releases a deadly cloud!


Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure janitor

I’ve got something here that’ll clean that right up.
Nothing fazes the unflappable Janitor. In the face of spills, stains, and other scenarios much too awful to name, he and his mop are ready to take on every cleaning challenge, whether it be at school, at the office, or even at the zoo. And if a mess should prove too tough for his mighty mop…well, that’s what a dependable old rag and a pocketful of sawdust are for. The Janitor has been at this job for a long time. In fact, those who know him would swear that he’s been around pretty much forever. For some reason, though, nobody seems to remember his name. It’s especially weird because it’s written right there on his uniform, even if it’s just a little bit hard to read. It’s a good thing he just shows up where he’s needed, without anyone having to call!

In-game: The mustachioed Janitor is a fearsome Defender with his mop! He is obsessed with keeping things clean, and that also goes for monsters. He can smash them with Wet Mop attacks or create an awesome Mop Slide where he charges forward pushing every enemy aside with furious mopping action!

Flying Warrior

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure flying-warrior

Justice never rests!
Even a mythological spirit of protection can’t be everywhere all the time. When the Battle Goddess decided that her mission of justice could use a helping hand, she selected a warrior of the ancient world who had proven both his valor in combat and his great love of peace. Granting him the gift of immortality, she gave him golden, winged armor and armed him with a mighty spear of thunder. Throughout the ages, the Flying Warrior has tirelessly carried out his duty of defending the weak and innocent. To pay the bills (even an ancient hero needs an apartment and the occasional pizza), he’s recently become a museum guide. Tour groups are really impressed by his booming voice and first-hand knowledge of centuries of history, and kids on class trips love it when he accidentally knocks things over with his wings!

In-game: Every group can use a strong defender and the Flying Warrior is excellent at it. He flies across the battlefield and can throw his Golden Spear at enemies. His most spectacular ability is sending out powerful blasts of energy with his Wings of Divinity.


Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure ballerina

If you want to be as graceful as a swan, you have to train like a horse.
It isn’t so easy to be a world-class dancer! That’s why the elegant Ballerina trains hard every day. It’s not just about wearing a frilly tutu and lacing up her stylish slippers. She’s got to practice every move and position until she gets them just right – otherwise, she won’t be able to do justice to classic ballets like The Brick Separator and Swan Blue Base Plate. But it’s all worth it when the music swells and her performance begins. As she leaps and twirls about on the stage, as the audience goes silent and barely dares to breathe while watching her dance, that’s when she knows that all of her practice has paid off. And it’s a good thing too, because you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to learn to balance on your tip-toes when you have minifigure feet!

In-game: Don’t be fooled by the Ballerina’s delicate looks. She may prance around elegantly on the battlefield, but she is a dangerous damage dealer. She can not only smash enemies with graceful strikes, but also use her Swan Spin attack to send waves of tornados at her targets.

Wrestling Champion


The Wrestling Champion is famous for two things: his unrestrained energy, and his very loud shouting. For him, the entire world is one big wrestling match. Along with wrestling in the ring – and doing it extremely well – he also wrestles his clothes on in the morning, wrestles his car into its parking spot at work, and you’d better believe that he wrestles his lunch all the way down. When you’re the Wrestling Champion, every minor triumph is a major victory that deserves to be shouted about to everyone in earshot. Some might accuse him of bragging, but to him it’s just stating the obvious: that he’s the greatest and most unbeatable wrestler in the entire world. Sure, he’s got a giant-sized ego, but that’s because when your whole life is a wrestling match, you’ve got to be determined to come out on top!

In-game: Sporting a fancy mullet and a winners belt, the Wrestling Champion is an awesome fighter. He can unleash Furious Strike attacks with his massive strength, lunge through the air at great speed and squash those opponents he lands on!


Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure farmer

All in a day’s work!
Every day, the hard-working Farmer gets up at sunrise when the rooster crows. He puts on his overalls, his well-worn boots and his old brown hat, and he goes outside to slop the pigs, milk the cows and feed the horses. After that, it’s time to collect fresh eggs from the henhouse, chase the crows off of the scarecrow, and straighten up the crop circles left behind by visiting aliens. Oh, did we forget to mention the aliens? They’re kind of pests, what with the scorch-marks from their saucer engines and all of the strange symbols they leave in the fields, but the Farmer was taught to always be nice to his neighbors (even ones from the next galaxy over), so he makes sure to leave some hot oatmeal and cider out for them when he goes to bed. In return, they’ve given him the fanciest flying tractor in the whole town!

In-game: The Farmer is a strong fighter. He can smash attackers with his pitchfork, swinging it in powerful Haymaker attacks. His special attack is sending a massive Combine Harvester after his enemies. When you see a huge Combine Harvester rolling down the battlefield there is only one thing to do – run!


Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure faun

Tra-la-la, tro-lo-lo, tree-lee-lee!
The fantastical Faun lives in the woods, where he plays his flute, makes up silly riddles, and dances all the day long (he also sings a little, but he isn’t very good at it). Part goat and part Minifigure, he gets along with all of nature and wouldn’t dream of living anywhere but his forest home. Not many strangers come to visit the Faun and hear his music and riddles, so sometimes he wonders whether everybody else in the world is as content and carefree as he is. Do they know how much fun it is to whistle back to the birds, or help the squirrels gather acorns for the winter, or rest their tired hooves in a cool running stream full of frolicking fish on a hot summer’s day? Sure, probably everybody lives like that!

In-game: The Faun is a happy chap and his weapon in combat is a magical flute. He plays a Mystical Song which attacks his enemies, but it is in a group he is the most valuable. The Faun has the rare ability to heal all friends who are close to him as he plays his Healing Song.

Frightening Knight

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure frightening-knight

Boo! Boo who? Boo ME!
The Frightening Knight is very, very scary. No one is quite certain just what makes him so scary. Maybe it’s his gravelly, growly voice. Maybe it’s his scowling expression, or his intimidating armor and helmet, or his spiky morning star weapon, or the angry-looking bear on his shield. Or maybe he just smells scary somehow. Being frightening isn’t just the Frightening Knight’s name – it’s also his great passion in life. If he doesn’t leave everybody who sees him shaking in their boots, then he feels like he hasn’t done his job right. All the bad guys agree that he’s pretty much the scariest Minifigure around. Even the legendary Fright Knights kicked him out for being just too scary. He could probably be a little less scary if he tried…but why would he ever want that?

In-game: The Frightening Knight is both good at attacking and defending. He swings his powerful morningstar at enemies with Dreadful Strikes, but he also has the extremely useful ability to stun foes with his Sundering Smash.

Jewel Thief

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure jewel-thief

It’s the perfect crime!
When night falls over the city, the Jewel Thief is in her element. As the police patrol the streets below, her grappling gun takes her up to the roof. There, she easily deactivates the alarm system, cuts through the skylight glass, and lowers herself down to the security vault. Somersaulting through the laser grid, she skillfully cracks the locking code and escapes with the most valuable diamond inside, pausing only to give the guard dog a friendly scratch under the chin.
But there’s no point to a well-orchestrated theft if nobody knows that it was you who did it. Other famous burglars have their own signature calling cards that they leave at the scene of the crime, so she’s picked one that seems just right. What better to represent a Jewel Thief than a precious gem? That’s why she always drops off the jewel she swiped in her last caper whenever she steals a new one!

In-game: The sneaky Jewel Thief is great at escaping from tricky situations. She can fight with catlike agility and use quick kicks to smash enemies, but her most handy ability is to shoot a Grappling Hook and swing out of danger.

Kendo Fighter

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure kendo-fighter

Strength of arms cannot defeat experience.
Blade-wielding villains are often amused to find themselves facing the Kendo Fighter and his two wooden swords. At first, they laugh at his audacity in carrying simple practice weapons and armor into battle. After all, how can mere bamboo stand against the strength and sharpness of steel? But those who mock the Kendo Fighter are in for a big surprise. So great is his skill in the fabled Twin Sword Technique that he has no need to carry a metal blade or heavy armor. Moving with the speed of a praying mantis’ double-armed strike, his kendo swords slice through the air to strike the enemy’s weapon a resounding blow, sending it flying from their grasp. Only then do they realize that they have dared to duel a true master of swordsmanship.

In-game: Armed with dual Katanas, the Kendo Fighter is a powerful Striker. He fights with one Katana in each hand and can deliver quick attacks with both of them at the same time. He can also use his Unseen Step ability to dash forward and strike with lightning speed.

Laser Mech

Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure laser-mech

The Laser Mech is totally, completely, and 1000% rad. When he blasts onto the scene with his transparent techno-wings and neon-piped high-visibility stealth armor, his beltline display pulsing to the rocking beat of his own riotous theme song, everybody knows that the coolest robotic hero in the universe has arrived. The Laser Mech has a digi-tronic super-computer brain and an amped-up neutron-fusion heart. He’s programmed to use his unstoppable VR ultra-cyber-ninja moves to turbo-kick, ultra-punch and giga-zap his way out of trouble…and if all of that isn’t enough, then he unleashes his ultimate weapon: an amped-up electro-sword that can vibrate its way through any obstacle. Nobody’s more awesome!

In-game: The high tech Laser Mech is a dangerous warrior. He can deliver Ultra Strikes with his electro-amped sword, and also unleash his Ultra Super Gigaton Slashes at his enemies – smashing them with shockwaves of pure awesomeness.



Let us get with the times!
The Queen comes from a slightly larger kingdom than the Classic King, and as such she wonders if it wouldn’t be a good idea to be a little less old-fashioned and a little more up-to-date. There are all sorts of modern conveniences that could help to improve their golden castle, like one-piece portcullis gates and base plates with built-in dungeons and walls with lovely stone-and-ivy patterns. Between the King’s big ideas and the Queen’s grand vision, their united lands are moving swiftly toward the future. New armor! New horses! New taverns and towers! In fact, the kingdom is growing so vast and successful that they’re starting to think about splitting it in two and giving half to each of their royal children. Surely that can’t lead to any trouble, can it?

In-game: The Queen may look pampered in her big dress and sparkly crown, but she is a very strong Striker and can attack foes at range with her Regal Strike. She makes up for her lack of defense by summoning a valiant knight with her unique Queen’s Guard ability.

Tribal Woman


Once there was a woman who told stories to her child…
Like her father and her grandmother before her, the Tribal Woman is a storyteller. She knows many stories, some true and some imaginary, and a few that are both at the same time. Some of her stories are old histories that have been passed down through the years. Some are legends about her family. Some are the stories of her life’s adventures, and some are tales that she has created all on her own.
One by one, she tells these stories to her baby, who she hopes will grow up to love them as much as she does, and perhaps even add to them and tell them to the next generation in turn. And if her child should choose not to be a storyteller and picks another path instead…well, that’s just fine too!

In-game: The Tribal Woman is very creative, but she can also fight well. She throws Redtail Feathers at her enemies and can call down a massive Host Drum, which snares any monsters around it.


Lego Series 15 Minifigures 71011 minifigure astronaut

That’s one small plate for a Minifigure, one giant brick for minifigure-kind!
All his life, the Astronaut has been obsessed with exploring outer space. He read every book he could find about the space program, built his own pretend rocket-ships out of spare bricks, and even tried eating the astronaut way – out of a tube. That got messy fast. Now that he’s made his way through real astronaut training, the Astronaut is finally on his way to his first new planet. He can’t wait to get there! He’s brought a flag to plant on the surface and everything. He wonders if he’ll encounter any unusual life forms when he arrives. If he does, he hopes they like the spiffy new beard he grew during his long space voyage!

Thanks for looking.  These bios are posted here…  

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Lego 2002 Ewok Tan Brown Marble Rare Molding Error from Lego Star Wars 7139 Ewok Attack

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ewok - Copy

I found this unique printing/molding error over on Flickr over on Jeremy Moody’s photo Stream here.

You may remember Jeremey’s photo Stream from a few weeks ago when he posted the Hang on the Wall Lego Color Chart which was everywhere on reddit and Facebook for a few days.  I even posted about it here as well even though it was not a minifigure.

In case you missed that, you can see it here on his Flickr page.  It was a really nice piece.  I almost thought about making one of my own until I started to price out what it would cost.  🙂

ewok - Copy

I have seen Lego Marbled bricks before, but this is the first Lego Marbled Minifigure that I have ever seen.  I am sure that more exist, but this is the first one I have come across.  If any of you know of others, drop me a PM or an email or leave a comment on this post.

A Lego Marble Error happens when the Lego employees do not fully clean out the Machine when they decide to print pieces in a new color.  I imagine that this is a by product of cleaning the machine and that these are figures are usually just destroyed or thrown into the recycling bin.  In this case, it would appear that the brown from the Wicket minifigure was not fully cleaned out and they were starting a run of tan Pabloo figures.

Lego Ewok Brown Tan Marbled Error Front sw050 sw067

Lego Ewok Brown Tan Marbled Error sw050 sw067 inside 2

Lego Ewok Brown Tan Marbled Error Back sw050 sw067 Inside 1

Lego Ewok Brown Tan Marbled Error Back sw050 sw067

One of the employees must have taken a shine to this and took it home.  I am glad that they did since this is a really nice piece.

This particular error appears to come from the Lego Wicket and Pabloo Minifigures included in the Ewok Attack set from the 2002 Star Wars line.  Set Number 7139 (Click to see Bricklink reference for this set)



I think that I would have included this with my post on Lego Star Wars Prototypes if I had seen this before I wrote that post.  You can see all of the Star Wars Prototype minifigures that I have been able to find in this post here.

I did a quick google search here for marbled bricks if you want to see a few others, just click here.

I also noted a forum on BrickSet here with some additional information about Marbled bricks.  I did not see anything on minifigures, but the concept is the same.

Thanks for looking

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Lego First Order Special Forces Tie Fighter 20% off at Amazon US

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This is currently discounted by 20% on Amazon right now.  I have not seen many of the Force Awakens sets on sale yet.

75101 75101_alt1

Thanks for looking

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Lego Web Site Posted Official Images of Batman V Superman Sets 76044 76045 and 76046 tonight

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The images for these three sets were posted tonight to the Lego Site.  I just had them pop up and I thought I would share.  I hope that you like them!  I think that they look great.  Nothing new here, but we are finally getting some hi resolution images and we know that the sets will be on the site in the next few days.

Lego DC Superheroes Superman v Batman Sets 76044 76045 and 76046


I think that we have seen low resolution images of most of these other than Louis Lane and Lex Luthor.  I also do not remember seeing Lex Luthor with hair either.  But I may be forgetting that.  So many new sets and pictures this week.

I also decided to try my hand at setting up a Flickr account today as well.  It is here.  I have only posted these photos so far.  The uploader is going to take getting used to.  🙂

Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle

Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set Box Front

Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set Louis Lane Minifigure Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set Superman Minifigure Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set Wonder Woman Minifigure Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set Batman Minifigure Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set Lex Luthor Minifigure

Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (1) Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (2) Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (3) Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (4) Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (5) Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (11) Lego Superman v Batman 76046 Heroes of Justice Sky High Battle Set (13)

Lego 76045 Batman v Superman Kryptonite Interception

Lego 76045 Batman v Superman Kryptonite Interception Lexcorp Henchman 1 Minifigure Lego 76045 Batman v Superman Kryptonite Interception Lexcorp Henchman 2 Minifigure Lego 76045 Batman v Superman Kryptonite Interception Batman Minifigure Lego 76045 Batman v Superman Kryptonite Interception Box Front

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Lego 76044 Batman V Superman Clash of Heroes Set

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Thanks for looking

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