Lego Employee Solid Gold Keychain Award from 1997

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I just found this over on Flickr uploaded by user Piroshi Lego.  I have seen a few of these keychains in the past, but this is the first time that I have seen the manufacturing information of the gift box that it came in.  I wonder how many of these exist?  If you get a chance, check out his Flickr page, he also has a bunch of Large Scale Brick Built Minifigures

Here is the front of the box and the keychain.  It looks like whomever won this award, actually used it which gives it some character!  You can see larger images over on his flickr page.

Gold key chain of Lego

Here is the back of the box as well.

Gold key chain of Lego

Here is what the back of the box says.  I think I have it correct.

“This product is manufactured by RENE NECKAM Gold U. Silberwarenerzeugung  Schoenbrunner  Str. 39, A-1050 Wien, Te1/Fax: +43/1/581 76 20 under license from the LEGO Group ® The registered trademark LEGO® is used with special permission from the LEGO Group ©LEGO Group and RENE NECKAM 1997 Not intended for children under 3 years of age. Contains small parts. VIENNA IN AUSTRIA, VIENNA”

Thanks for looking

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Official Lego Store Employee Minifigure for sale over on eBay

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I have only seen 2 or 3 of these ever so far.  As you all probably know, these figures are only given to Lego Store employees and cannot be obtained anywhere else.  So they are super rare.  I just found this one here on eBay.

Lego Store Employee Minifigure

I have tried to get one of my local store employees to part with his, but no such luck.  🙂

I am still looking for one if anyone wants to part with one for a reasonable price.

Thanks for looking.

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All sorts of fun Rare Minifigures Lego Nasa Minifigure and GBC Minifigure and More Lego Employee Minifigures

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This is really an exciting find, so I ended up staying up  extra late tonight to get the changes for this completed.  I do not think I have seen a collection this large since Lluis Gilbert sent me pictures of his collection!

Back on Novemebr 1st, I noticed this post on Facebook by Marc-Andre Bazergui aka bazmarc of some of his “Special Minifigures” on his FaceBook page.  bazmarc entitle this image “LinkedIn LEGO style” and I really thought how fitting that the title was and how much fun it must be to go to these conferences and collect all of these.  This is probably years of collecting!

Lego Employee Minifigures Linkedin Style from Marc-Andre Bazergui aka bazmarc

I reached out to Marc-Andre about this photo and he was kind enough to provide me some better pictures of the figures that he had that I had never seen before.  I will add those pictures below.

Marc also suggested that the employee list would make more sense if the figures did not have a price attached to them since they cannot be bought.  I thought that was a great idea and I changed the program that creates these lists to just put “NOT SOLD ANYWHERE” on these figures.  I also removed the price charts for these figures as well.

This change really makes more sense since no one ever sells these figures and they are usually passed between business partners and friends at conventions and other AFOL event.  I had originally attached an arbitrary price to these figures that did not have any sales history since these are never on eBay or Bricklink.

I have added the five figures to the list of Employee figures here.

Of obvious note are the employee minifigures that are always rare and difficult to find all of the unique figures.  But he also has a few gems in this collection that I have never seen before.

Lego Great Ball Contraption Minifigure provided to him by Maico Arts.  I have never seen this one.

Lego GBC Great Ball Contraption Minifigure

Lego Nasa Minifigure.  I cannot find anything about this one online, but I seem to remember seeing this one posted once before.  I will need to ask about the orgin of this one.

Lego Nasa Logo Minifigure

Lego User Group Ambassador Minifigure.

Lego User Group Ambassador Minifigure

Next up we have a Lego Idea House Minifigure.  These are really tough to come by.

Lego Idea House Minifigure

Finally, we have the 5 new Employee Business card figures that I did not have on the list already.

Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Thomas Kirk Kristiansen Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Camilla Bottke Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Henrik V. Hougaard Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Jesper B. Jensen Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Mette H. Larsen-Ledet Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Steen V. Lund

I see a few other gems in the background in the original image that I will need to look into later.   I am going to go to bed now!

For those of you that do not know, tonight is when we can all go get the new sets on

Here is a list of the most sought after sets that are being released tonight at 12:00 EST.

Lego Sets Available January 1 2016

Thanks for looking

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Found a few more Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards over on Flickr – post if you have any?

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I just found these over on CakeinMilk Flickr account.  He has a couple that I do not yet have in my Price Guide.  I have found a bunch of these lateley, so I am starting to wonder if they are suing these again, or if they never stopped using them at all.

In particular, I do not have Sanne Dollerup Lage.  So she will need to be added to the list here.  It is currently sitting at about 50 and I have a few more to add.

Lego Employee Business Cards Cake in Milk Flickr Account Picture

Comment below if you have any of these that you would like to share, or if you know of any others.  Just an FYI, the price on these is rather subjective as no one ever sells these guys, they are just given away at shows.  I have only ever seen a few of these sold or traded.  Mostly just given away at shows.

cakeinmilk has another interesting photo of the Doctor Who minifigures in the lego Dimensions game.  I really want to know when we are going to start getting more of these characters?  You can see the larger pic of these here.

This mimics the image that Lego posted a few months ago to their Facebook page.  We saw this earlier here.

Thanks for looking

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Lego Carsten Rasmussen Employee Business Card

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I was recently sent this new Lego minifigure employee business card that I was not previously aware of.  This is an employee minifigure for one Carsten Rasmussen and the outfit is a little more updated when compared to some of the other ones that we have seen in the past.Lego Employee Business Card Carsten Rasmussen

Here is a link to Carsten’s Linked in page to see that he is the Senior Vice President Shopper Marketing & Channel Development at the LEGO Group

This is one of the better minifigure creations that I have seen so far and I will be adding him to the list of the other 45 or so of these that we have been able to locate so far.

I think that the likeness is pretty good.  What do you think?  Please note that his shirt and his collar are hanging out on the torso print.  Pretty neat huh?

I was notified of this figure by Eric C via email a few weeks ago and I have been meaning to get this one posted.  It appears that we have two varieties of this one.  One with a flesh head and one with a yellow head.  Here is the other picture.

Lego Employee Business Card Carsten Rasmussen FLesh Body

If you have any of these that you know of or have seen that I do not have, please send me a picture and I will get it posted and added to the list.

I have written about alot more of these over the past year here.

Thanks for looking.

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Lego Store Female Employee Minifigure Variant

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I received a picture of these wto figures from a reader and it appears to be a female variant of the recent Employee Minifigure that we have seen.

Here is a picture of both of these that was submitted by the reader.

Lego Male and Female Employee Minifigure


From the little that I have been able to find online, this figure does not appear to have been a promo or a giveaway, but rather a perk for the Female Lego Store Employees?  I also heard that it was supplied without the head and that the head was just chosen from the pick a figure bins.  However, no fact here.  Just rumors.  Do any of you know anything about this one?  Please let me know.

Obviously the Legs are the same.  But the Torso appears to be unique and new.  The lines on the front are curved and the neck and the badge appears different as well.  Finally, the figure does not appear to have arm printing.

Here is the promo package that appears to have been a giveaway in some of the European countries.  I am not sure if it was a giveaway in the US.  I just picked one of these up on eBay for 8.99  🙂

Lego Male Employee Minifigure Promo

Once I get a little more information on this one, I will add it to the price guide.

If any of you have one of these, please let me know if you are interested in parting with it.  🙂  I would love to add one to my collection.  I will make you a reasonable offer.  🙂

As always, please like my page if you get a chance.

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Exclusive Lego Employee Minifigures Given away recently

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I recently picked up a Lego Kids Fest Minifigure from 2010 on eBay and I was doing some research about other Kids Fest minifigures when I came across this Minifigure.  If you know more about these minifigures, please comment below or send me an email.  – Also, please contact me if you have one to sell.  🙂

Lego Employee Exclusive Kids Fest Minifigure

It is a Lego Employee Minifigure that appears to be a part of the a giveaway to Store Employees at the Kids Fest recently in 2013?  I am not sure about the details.    If anyone knows more about this, please comment on it below or send me an email to

EDIT and UPDATE:  It appears that these were give to store employees that worked more than 40 hours in a 5 day period.

I contacted the user on Flickr that had this minifigure posted and he was not aware of its history either, just that it was an eBay find.

Incidentally, here is the figure that I picked up on eBay.

Lego Exclusive Kids Fest 2010 MinifigureLego Exclusive Kids Fest 2010 Minifigure Back

What I found most interesting about this figure is that it is very similiar to another one that I have been watching as well.  This one that is on Bricklink.  I originally thought that they were the same, but the are not.  The name tags are on different sides of the shirt.

Lego Employee Minifigure with Apron tls087


I do nor have any information on this one.  Is it a variation, or was it given away at a different event?

Obviously, we can add this as a third minifigure that looks like it will be impossible to find anywhere along with the Zombie Store Employee Minifigure that we wrote about earlier here as well.  I will be adding this new variation above to the price guide shortly.

Lego Employee Zombie Minifigure 2015 Managers Conference

This Manger Minifigure was originally found on an AFOL Facebook page and first posted by the Brick Fan website here.  I have heard that this one was given only to store Managers and I have only seen one of these show up anywhere?  Does anyone have one of these?

I found one more of these here.

Lego Store Sigfig: Zombified!

also, here is some additional information here

I am also looking for information about this one as well as the other two.

FYI, the Trickster figure will be released on Tuesday!!!!!!  Yea!

Lego DC Comics Trickster Minifigure Promotion

As always, if you like stories about Lego Minifigures, please like my page to get the latest posts.

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