Three more employee business cards minifigure images found

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See below.  User drdavewatford from brickset forum just posted these.

inside_tour_minifigs and employee businees cards from 2013


You can see the full list here.  Minus the ones that I need to add from this week!

You can also see some pics of the rest of these here.


Two more employee Business Cards Located

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See attached picture that I received through Facebook user Thomas M.  Two more to add to the list.  Thanks!

Lego Employee Business Card Soren Lund and Michael S Kehlet

Soren Lund and Michael S, Kehlet

You can see the full list here.

You can also see some pics of the rest of these here.

Located 3 new Lego Employee Business cards through reader feedback

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Do you know of any others?  Please let me know.

I currently have about 50 of these listed in the priceguide.  These are images that I have collected over the past few years in an attempt to learn about all of the ones that exist.  These are not my collection.  I wish they were, but as I have to assume I will be lucky to see a few of these in my life, I am limited to collection images.

Readers recently informed me of three figures that I was not previously aware of.  The first one case as part of this image from a reader Jeffery V on the AFOL Facebook group.

Lego Employee Minifigure Collection J Viens from AFOL Facebook Group

This picture has a few figures in it that I am going to need to hunt down more info on, but the one that caught my eye was the Tim Courtney Business Card below.

Lego Employee Business Card Tim Courtney Minifigure

Next up is this Camilla Bottke figure which was posted on Lego Photographers Facebook Group page.

Lego Camilla Bottke Employee Minifigure Business Card

Once I knew that this one existed, a google search turned up another image of this one here as an entry to a contest.   If you follow through to the link, you will find a few more pictures of this one.

Lego Camilla Bottke Employee Minifigure Business Card 2

Last but not least is this minifigure that a reader pointed me to on Imgur.  I had not seen this one before which surprised me since the figure has over 2 million views.  That is right, 2 million views.  Wow, I have never seen a lego related post with 2 million views.

mikkel holm

I picked up the name Mikkel Holm from this posting on reddit.  It appears that he was a Hotel Owner or Manager when Mikkel stayed at his hotel.

I am constantly making this search on eBay looking for more of these, but I only keep finding this set.

lego 850425 Business Card Holder

I think that more of these still exist and some Lego employee is sitting on a stash of these.   If anyone knows of any that I do not have listed, please let me know.  Here is a link to the list of 48 of them that I currently have listed.

Lego Employee Business Cards Collection

I located 9 more Lego Employee Business Card Minifigures for a total of 48 now

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I have attempted to make a complete collection of all Lego Minifig Employee Business cards.  I am probbaly still missing some, but I think that this is the most complete list yet.  Please let me kno if you know of any others that I have not found.  You can click on the image to see my full list.

Lego Employee Business Cards Collection

Let me know if you know of any that I do not have in this list?

Previously, I had located about 39 Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards from a Collector in Spain.  Lluis Gilbert can be contacted through twitter at @lluisgib or Facebook

While trolling through Google+, I believe that I have located about 9 more minifigures and I think if I threw another hour at it, I could probably find about 10 more.  I have heard rumors that about 100 exist and I bet that is true.

I saw one of these on eBay a few months ago.  Here is the search I used.  However, I think that most of these change hands privately.

Alternatively, you can do what I did and pick up one of these.

lego 850425 business card holder

Here are the new ones that I have located and as before, I have updated the price guide to keep a running record of all of them here.

Peter Espersen – See – Peter is currently employed with the Lego Group as a “Product Development Executive with expertise in creating sticky Products, Tech and Media with Global impact”

Jans Maibom – Vice President at LEGO Education – I found this one here on Flickr.

Sara Wolman –  Senior Director of Programmes & Partnerships, LEGO Foundation – See her profile on Linkedin for this minifigure image.

Kristian Dollerup – Business Development and Strategy at the Lego Group – See his profile on linkedin for this minifigure image.

Michael Renvillard – Programme Director, the LEGO Foundation – See his profile on linkedin for this minifigure.

Michael McNulty – Senior Vice President of Asia Manufacturing – I found this one here on google+

Mads Knipper – Left the Lego Group in April of 2014 – I found this one here on google+

Randa Grob-Zakhary – Dr. Randa Grob-Zakhary is a nonresident senior fellow with the Center for Universal Education. Formerly CEO of the LEGO Foundation, she focuses on identifying and nurturing learning innovations through research, policy, and programming.  I found this one here on google+

As I stated before, I have all of the listed at about $50 dollars since that I what I think that they are worth.  However, in all reality this will depend on what people are willing to pay.  With that said, I would be willing to pay at least $50 for most of these, so I am guessing that this number is a little light if any of these were to come onto the market since they are so rare.

39 Different Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards

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I recently spoke with an individual in Spain that collects Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards.  I have seen a few of these in the past, but I was  under the assumption that these were just for the “C” level executives.  However, it appears that they are for quite a few public facing Lego employees.  This individual had over 25 of them and I found about another 15 on the web.

I asked the collector in spain and he said that it was fine to post his name.  If you have any of these figures he may be interested.  His name is Lluis Gilbert and you can contact him here through twitter at @lluisgib or Facebook

Please let him know if you have any others.  Also, if you have any that I do not know about, you can send me a note here with a link to a picture.

I have heard rumors that more than 100 unique ones exists.  I will add more details later, but you can see the full list with names and bigger images here.

Here are small images of all of these as well!


Please let me know if you know of any others of these.

I actually think that this is a really good idea.  This was previously mentioned a few years back, but how kool would it be to hand these out at a business conference.  I wonder if you could put a QR code on the back and have it automatically import the contact information into your phone?  Has anyone tried that on a regular business card?

I did not add these to the top 100 since it does not appear that a secondary market exists for these.  Also, I put a value of about $50 on all of these since that is what I would be willing to pay.  However, I am going to need to do a little more research for what these might actually be worth.

We need a Lego employee to give us the scoop on these.  I would bet that someone at Lego has a full row of all of these in their cubicle all lined up.

Here is one for Emma Owen with her image right next to it.  I believe that Lego released this one, but it also says twitter on it?  So I am not sure.  I think I would like to make my whole family.  That might be fun.  My three kids are different enough that I think it would work.  I will try that this weekend.  The kids may like it!

You can send me a note here if you know of any others.

I did a quick google search to see where you could get some of these made for your self.  In the UK, you could try here.

Also, here is a video on Gizmodo showing one up close.

Lego Promotional Minifigure link version gg001 Gravity Games Skateboarder

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This is something new that showed up on eBay this week.  The figure looks to be legit and I am interested to see if any more of these show up.  It is basically a common torso with “” printed on the back of the torso.

Some readers are guessing that this is an internal Lego Education minifigure created for some event by a Lego employee, but I have not heard any official information on this one that is credible.   The eBay user that posted this figure even contacted Lego to see if they knew anything more about the figure.  I found this over on eBay here.

A quick look at bricklink shows that this torso minus the arms is on about 23 minifigures.

If you have any further information on this figure or you have one for sale, please contact me via email or message me on Facebook.

Thanks for looking

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LEGO Southampton UK Store Grand Opening Minifigure

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We do not know a lot about this one other than it was sold by the same person that sold the Holland Store figure.  It does not have a number and this is the first one of these that I have seen.  We are speculating that this was an employee only special handout, but I honestly do not know for sure.   See it here on eBay 

I am assuming that this figure also has the back printing since the Holland one did.

Thanks for looking

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