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I am always on the hunt for amazing minifigure Display Stands and Cases and I always am amazed at all of the great options that people come up with. This particular wall display made my jaw drop. The planning and how perfect it looks is incredible. I imagine that he must have moved this figures around a few different times! I recently saw his display posted here and a few other places I reached out to Scott to find out more about it.
If you are interested in seeing other display stands that I have found, please see here on the website and here for even more on my Pinterest account! I have not updated Pinterest in a while, but I have over 185 different one that I found.

If you have ever attempted a big display, you know how frustrating that it can be to decide that you have one figure off one place and not you need to move all 122 figures over one spot! Scott has over 800 figures in his display and it looks awesome as I said before.
From what I can tell, this stand has been a work in progress and the Avengers A is a recent addition. It looks like the A is attached to a piece of wood that is cut out to the same dimensions for stability and for hanging to the wall. A great idea.

You can see it attached here. You can also see the technic parts with the screws holding it to the board if you look carefully. See down below for a close up of one of these.

Here is the original stand modified to have a place to put the A. 🙂

Here is the A attached in.

And filled with figures.

Check out Spider Man hanging from the chain!

Here is a close up where you can see his great idea for using technic parts for Screw Holders to attach to the wall. I am going to try that with my display cases.

Here you can see he added some backlighting!

Here are some additional pictures of the display. If you look closely, the display also rests on three regular wall shelves at the bottom.

Thanks for looking
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